From Sat May 27 11:57:33 2000 From: Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 15:02:40 EDT Subject: double dactyls Status: RO Content-Length: 546 Lines: 11 Omni magazine ran a double dactyl contest and published the results in its November 1980 issue. According to the article, they received 5,000 entries. One of mine (about Mt. St. Helen's -- Yakima, Washington) was a runner-up. I have been thinking about double dactyls since Esquire magazine published its piece on them about 35 years ago. The one about Marcus Antonius was among Esquire's examples. If you do not have access to the Omni winners, send me fax number information and I will send the pages showing the 30 winning poems. From Mon Jun 12 18:06:59 2000 From: "Sasha Cooke" Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 21:07:28 -0400 Subject: double dactyls Status: RO Content-Length: 640 Lines: 35 Higgledy Piggledy Single white idiot Looking for woman with Wit and elan, Hopes that she's frequently Animalistically Driven, Shuns marriage Likes tennis and vin. Higgledy Piggledy Lovely Adventuress, I'm thirty-six, but care Not what your age Is, if you're legal, not Sexagenarian Fond of debate, music, Books, and the stage. Higgledy Piggledy Pamela Anderson Silicone lady who Watches the bay Though you are no longer Biodegradable, Still, in my landfill, you're Free to decay. These are not really up to the standard of your very entertaining web-site, but I thought i'd send them along. (They're a few years old.) Sasha Cooke From Thu Jun 22 23:04:27 2000 From: "Mark O'Bannon" Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 17:06:35 +0000 Subject: Double-Dactylic URL Status: RO Content-Length: 1080 Lines: 33 Hi! I enjoyed reading your webpage on double dactyls, and naturally was up till the small hours the following night testing some out. With just a little bit of rearranging of the files in your web directory, you could have a self-referential higgeldy-piggeldy URL: H-t-t P-colon, Forward slash, Forward slash, Double-u, Double-u, Double-u, Dot S-t-i, N-k-y Dot com slash, Alex slash higgeldypiggeldy “What hath God wrought!” I realize the rhythm is a bit forced in the first line, but that's the best I could do. You'd have to create a directory called "higgeldypiggeldy" and put your higgeldypiggeldy document in that directory, naming it "index.html", or whatever works on your server as being the default document to display for a particular directory. "What hath God wrought", of course, was the first [official] telegraph message, and the first self-referential higgeldypiggeldy URL is an equally momentous occasion in history. For some of us. I guess. Use it in good health, Mark O'Bannon From Fri Jun 23 14:30:21 2000 From: "Mark O'Bannon" Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 08:32:36 +0000 Subject: Here come Higgeldy Piggeldies .... Status: RO Content-Length: 2833 Lines: 109 Quixity Quaxity Tough guy Neil Cassady Served as the muse for the Beat poet pack. Hypervirility Roused the typewriters Of Burroughs and Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac. Albion! Albion! William of Normany Conquered the English in 1066, Founded a dynasty Proto-Plantagenet, Whupped all the Saxons, im- pressed all the chicks. Turaloo, Luralay, Patrick the Blessed Saint Now and then sipped from a Bottle or two Whiskey of any brand Celto-Hibernian: Jameson, Bushmill’s or Tullamore Dew. Bolshevik, Shmolshevik, Alice, neé Rosenbaum Fled from St. Petersburg, Came to our land, Uncompromisingly Anti-collectively Pro-individually Wrote as “Ayn Rand” Rock & roll, roll & rock Johann Sebastian Bach Wrote the D-minor To- catta & Fugue, Organ or harpsichord Needed for rendering the Contrapunctality, Not just a jug [I know it's an execrable rhyme, but can you think of a rhyme for "fugue"? I seriously considered writing the second stanza in German, if I could have figured out a way to use the word "Zug".] -- Mark Brian O'Bannon Systems Administrator Tulane Cancer Center, New Orleans (504) 585-6060 From Mon Jun 26 09:52:50 2000 From: TCCWeb Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 12:06:10 +0000 Subject: 2 more to inflict upon you Status: RO Content-Length: 540 Lines: 34 Criminy Carbuncle Simon & Garfunkle Sang so sincerely for Me & for you Parsley, sage, rosemary Metabotanically Symbolized sentiments Thymelessly true. Iliad Schmiliad Homer the Blind Poet Tells us Achilles and Agamemnon Camped far apart on the Beach, and yet Eos still Rhododactylically Woke both at dawn. (Extra credit for using "rhododactylically" in a double-dactyl"?) -- Mark Brian O'Bannon Systems Administrator Tulane Cancer Center, New Orleans (504) 585-6060 From Thu Dec 14 15:50:31 2000 From: "jim eccleston" Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 07:51:14 -0800 Subject: link - Double Dactyls Status: RO Content-Length: 131 Lines: 9 Have added your site to my page of writers links I trust this is ok with you. jim e From Wed Jan 03 20:49:39 2001 From: Date: 03 Jan 2001 15:52:57 -0500 Subject: A couple of double dactyls to enjoy: Status: RO Content-Length: 363 Lines: 33 composed by me. . . really. Higgledy piggledy Indianapolis Hosting the Pan-Am Games Hoped for no rain. Instead found money goes Unnecessarily Precipitarily Right down the drain Higgledyy Piggledy Tess of the D'Urbervilles Had a small problem With titles and men Heard, picking turnips with Frigidairality "What? Must I go to con- Fession Again?" From Thu Jan 18 10:48:55 2001 From: Peter Blinn Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 03:54:40 -0700 Subject: DA-da-da DA-da-da Status: RO Content-Length: 1621 Lines: 74 Alex, What a wonderful collection of double dactyls. I'll be looking back at them from time to time. I notice your last updates appear to be a good sixteen months or so old, so I hesitate to push that enter-your-email-address button. I'll be encouraged if this send doesn't bounce, though. Anyway, if you're still up for a good dactyl chuckle or two, here's a cut-and-paste of a few of my own. [Note: Heliogabalus was a particularly dissolute Roman emperor (203-222 C.E.) who led a Syrian cult based on a meteorite, ate ostrich brains and sponsored orgies.] --------------- Hippo-by-potamus Heliogabalus Worshipped a bolide and Married four wives. Bawdy proclivities, Hyperactivities, Prompted his courtiers to Vent him with knives. ---------------------------------------------- Pipoulos-popoulos Theotokopoulos Known as El Greco, a Painterly dude. Armchair historians, Demi-folklorians, Took as a given his Vision was skewed. ---------------------------------------------- Splishety-splashevich Slobo Milosevic Brash as a tsarevich, Statesman manque. Moral duplicities, Ethnocentricities; Now those galoshes are Stomping HIS way. ---------------------------------------------- Nickety-noodleski John Paul the Secondski Polish pontifical Primate sublime. Faithfuls to catechize, Heroes to canonize; Ecclesiastical Chores take his time. ---------------------------------------------- -- P.B. ------------------------------------------------------------- Peter Blinn Web Page Samples: -------------------------------------------------------------- From Fri Feb 23 15:20:49 2001 From: (WG) Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 16:26:20 +0100 Subject: A double-dactyl..... Status: RO Content-Length: 778 Lines: 35 Hi Alex, A friend asked me to write a double-dactyl and as I wasn't 100% up to snuff on the form, I did a search and hence found myself at your website. You've got a super collection of poetry and your explanaition of the for helped me greatly. I thought you may enjoy my effort. The subject is a bit esoteric, geared toward hardline Frank Zappa fans, but I think the piece stands on its own..... Here ya go: Flubbadee Blubbadee Greggory Peccary a fictional man that Zappa supplied, Looked like a piggie with Respectability Defined by the wearing of big wide white ties Thanks for the help! :o) Willie G. -- -------Without a heart the animal -----------is very, very kind ----so kind it wouldn't like a soul --------and couldn't use a mind -------------e.e. cummings From Tue Mar 20 08:56:48 2001 From: Chazan Davida Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 10:56:51 +0200 Subject: Double Dactyls Status: RO Content-Length: 545 Lines: 37 I heard from someone that you were, um, interested in double dactyls. I've written two: Double Oh Dactyl Gadgetiy-Fadgity Double Oh Seven Jim Lost a good friend in his Buddy "Q" who, Crafted the snazziest Gizmo-technology. Filling his shoes will take R, S, T, U! Davida Chazan - 1/2001 Spears Double Dactyl Popity-Schlockity music teen Brittany's writing her memoirs in spite of her age. Thousands will snap them up enthusiastically, even if there's only one word per page! Davida Chazan - 1/2001 From Thu Apr 12 09:02:55 2001 From: John Cowan Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 00:18:44 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Double Dactyls Status: RO Content-Length: 593 Lines: 22 Great collection! However, you omit The Greatest Of Them All (to my mind; unfortunately I don't know the author): Said Agatha Christie to E. Phillips Oppenheim, "Who is this Hemingway? Who is this Proust? Who is this Vladimir Whatchamacallum, this Neo-post-realist Rabble?" she groused. There's something about that last line that *sings*. Also, incorporating the nonsense line *into* the content is an excellent feature. -- John Cowan One art/there is/no less/no more/All things/to do/with sparks/galore --Douglas Hofstadter From Sun Jun 24 01:22:32 2001 From: Aaron J Dinkin Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2001 21:31:21 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Higgledy piggledy? Status: O Content-Length: 1182 Lines: 52 Aaron J. Dinkin here - noticed your webpage and quite enjoyed it. And, since I'm sort of a deuterodactylist too, I saw no reason not to submit: ESTABLISHING DOMINANCE Twiddledum, twiddledee - Ludwig van Beethoven Hopes his new symphony Isn't a bore; Therefore he's started it Heterodoxically, Thrilling the crowd with five- Seven of four. [Author's note: This is a music theory joke, obviously. In traditional Classical music, a piece always begins with a statement of the tonic chord of the piece. Beethoven's first symphony breaks this tradition: it's in C major, but it begins with the dominant-seventh (i.e., a "five-seven") chord of the key of F (which is "four" in relation to C) instead.] DISAPPOINTMENT Basia, basia, Ellen DeGeneres, Old Latin poetry Really is great. Reading Catullus's Hendecasyllables, Don't get excited, 'cause Lesbia's straight. [Note: Lesbia was the girlfriend of the Roman poet Catullus, to whom many of his love poems were dedicated.] A CHANGE OF FORMAT Higgledy-piggledy, Benjamin Harrison Listened to poems and Said, "Okey-dokey, Leave me alone with your Dactylic meter; it's Unsatisfactory. I like trochee. -Aaron J. Dinkin Dr. Whom