glittery thing
i like thinking about you
its sad when i remember that you are dead

i can see you so clearly
and i hope that never goes away
broken glass cigarette buttsin your barefeet
glittering glassy feet stomp stomp fucking
stomp and dont even stop to breathe the whole
caravan rolled up into one twirly ball scarves and
beads and hair and your eyes somewhere else

im so glad i ever knew you
im lucky
on the day of your funeral
i walked home from there and sang
may the circle be unbroken
and i cried so hard eventually that
even i couldnnt understand the only verse i know
by and by lord by and by
theres a better home awaiting
in the sky lord in the sky
i hope and i bought some glitter at Newberries
i looked at the mice
i tried to make a glitter trail so you could find
me if you wanted to talk or something
but it had been raining
everything was already glittery
it didnt work
you told me once that you liked the way i danced
i liked the way you danced too.